
Showing posts from March, 2020


I often take walks early evening. One so I don’t really bump into anyone as they’re all usually at home already, or not interested, and 2 because in the winter it’s dark, so no one can see me bright red in the face frantically panting for air. Don’t get me wrong, I’m getting fitter, but the hills are just so steep! Tonight, 18/01 I bumped into an elderly man, I’d spotted him getting off the bus shortly after I left home, and 15 minutes later he’d only got 5 minutes down the road. We stopped and he said hello to my Pops. But he was alone, slowly walking home, and I was too out of breath to say anything to him. My heart broke. This needs to change. I hope I bump into him again. I’d like him to know a friendly face in a world of busy ones. Next time, old man. 


As today is International Women’s Day I thought it was the right time to celebrate some fab women & general empowerment. I think every year I celebrate my incredible, strong, inspiring Mum. Who taught me how to find and embrace your inner strength when everything on the planet is against you! She raised 6 children and worked hard.  She got sick and still powered like there was nothing wrong. Spent 6 long weeks in the hospice smiling, laughing & touching hearts of everyone she met before teaching us all, that the pain of a lost loved one never goes away. I remember her great big laugh, kind, welcoming aurora, her love - oh so much love, not just for us, for everyone she met!  She is my absolute inspiration!  The last year I’ve been changing how I use social media, I’ve been unfollowing the accounts that make me feel like I’m not worthy, too ugly or fat and replacing them with positive, empowering, strong women who make me feel like I can, and I want to.  Chessie Kin